Meet Us
Our People!

Meet Us
Our People!
No one is an island, you can't do everything yourself (at least, not well).
There are a few women who have helped make Journal Junkies as beautiful as it is today, and continue to work on helping us grow. Scroll down to read more about them.
Thank you to all our family and friends, as well as all the amazing women who continue to support not only this business, but us as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, friends and human beings.
Tēnā koutou katoa - Thank you everyone.
"Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini."
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective.
We want to acknowledge and support te ao Māori that surrounds us in New Zealand.
Founder, Dreamer and Stationery Addict
Founder, Dreamer and Stationery Addict
When I told my husband I wanted to source and sell beautiful stationery, he looked confused. "Have you heard of Google Calendar?" he asked, bewildered.
But I knew I wasn't the only one who was craving more gorgeous notebooks in my life.
The local office supply stores weren't cutting it and art supplies were so expensive, considering art was my worst talent (I'm a much better rapper, if you can believe it!).
So, I bought my first box of 50 Scribbles That Matter notebooks and built a website to sell them on. That was at the beginning of 2017! At first, the notebooks just sat in a corner of our living room, before we moved it all to a spare room, then a storage unit and now we're sharing a big warehouse in Christchurch, New Zealand. And I'm not done!
I dream of selling gorgeous stationery and organisational items all around the world, even manufacturing our own to help fill a gap in the market for quality products, designed by people who love using them!
Warehouse Manager

Warehouse Manager
I first joined the Journal Junkies team in the lockdown of 2020, this was back when Nancy was doing it all out of a storage unit!
I love order/organisation and routine which is where my love for journaling comes from. Love me a habit tracker to help me feel like I have my life together.
You can find me in our warehouse, telling Nancy off for leaving me on seen, picking and packing your orders with my headphones on listening to true crime podcasts, wondering what my cat Wednesday is up to while I'm at work and watching far too many TikToks on my break.
Other amazing wāhine

Icon Designer
Hi! I'm Vivian - illustrator, stationery designer, pattern maker based in Vancouver, BC, Canada!
To see what I'm working on now, follow me on Instagram!
To check out some of my other work, visit my website:

Font Designer
I'm Beck, and I make letters for a living!
I'm a font designer specializing in original, feature-rich handlettered fonts for designers & hobbyists! Check out my website!

Head of Security
Lily used to guard the warehouse from pesky intruders: the nice delivery guys gave her treats, the ones who were late got a growling.
Unfortunately, Lily passed away in 2023. She will be forever missed, but a new stationery line is being made in her honor.
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What we've made
Journal Junkies Basics
Want stationery that doesn't cost an arm, a leg and a kidney to afford? Me too! That's why the Journal Junkies Basics range of gorgeous stationery was born. Honestly, I was sick of big brands with crappy paper making it hard for my little stationery shop to supply NZ and AUS with the coolest stationery around. So I said “F*** it, I’m making my own!” It started with some stickers, then some Filofax Inserts, and now there's a range of notebooks designed just for Stationery Addicts in the southern hemisphere!